Synthetic Fluorspar Lumps

These are irregularly shaped pieces or chunks of synthetic fluorspar material. The size and shape of the lumps can vary depending on the production process and intended application. Synthetic fluorspar lumps are typically used in industries such as steelmaking and chemical manufacturing, where they serve as fluxing agents or raw materials.
synthetic fluorspar lumps/ pallets

Synthetic Fluorspar Pellets

Pellets are small, rounded or cylindrical forms of synthetic fluorspar. They are often produced by compressing powdered synthetic fluorspar material under high pressure and then sintering it at elevated temperatures to form solid pellets. Synthetic fluorspar pellets can have a more uniform size and shape compared to lumps, making them suitable for specific applications such as precise dosing in chemical reactions or as feedstock in certain industrial processes.

Uses of Calcium Oxide (Quicklime) are as following: